Utilizatorii de Windows 10 au fost cu un timp de greu ar contracara bug-uri și erori după actualizarea lor. Atunci când nu se poate conecta la WiFi, ea poate deveni frustrant, deoarece lucrarea tinde să sufere. Cu toate acestea, utilizarea unor tehnici simple de depanare pot veni la îndemână pentru a rezolva această problemă. WiFi este de a utiliza conexiunea la internet prin medii fără fir, și este metoda cea mai preferată de a beneficia de servicii de internet, atunci când unul este într-un loc public. WiFi cere să aveți driverul instalat, și astăzi, mai mult sau mai puțin, fiecare dispozitiv de laptop vine cu funcționalitatea WiFi. Deci, ce o face atunci când nu se poate conecta la Wi-Fi? În articolul dat, vom aborda problema din perspectiva utilizatorilor de Windows 10.
Firstly, we shall make an effort to address the basic errors behind Windows 10 not being able to offer any internet connectivity. When we got in touch with experts at Microsoft, we learnt that the problem to the VPN connections present on computer that were upgraded to Windows 10 was persisting. This was due to the upgrade that was made during active VPN software to Windows 10. However, the problem isn't restricted to software programs but also goes out to hardware which might be incompatible with Windows 10 and thus user can't connect to WiFi.
Firstly, we must ensure that the WiFi is set to on. To check this, we open Settings>Network & Internet> WiFi, and move the slider over the "˜On' position. However, please make sure that the physical WiFi button on the keyboard is not turned off.
One can take this alternate route too in which you have to right click on the Start button and open the WinX menu. You can now select the device manager. Clicking on Action Tab and selecting "˜Scan for Hardware changes' would refresh the list.
For the ones who weren't using VPN software during their upgrade to Windows 10, the issue could lie with the router. One has to check if the router is broadcasting the SSID, and this can be done by performing the following steps:
Are you typing the right password for you WiFi? Turns out, many users miss out on this basic step while troubleshooting their networking connections when they face the issue where they can't connect to internet. Here is how you can resolve the issue:
When one can't connect to WiFi, it can be very difficult to get the job done, and therefore, there is a need for proper mechanism in place that can help you resolve the errors related to your WiFi. However, if you are still unable to resolve the error, you should connect with your router manufacturer, as there might be some error with the router or Ethernet connection. WiFi troubleshooting is not that difficult as one can employ the Windows troubleshooter to do the job as well. Saying that, it would only assist you in detecting the problem, and not fix the problem if it happens to be extensive in nature, and thus, you should look to choose one of the methods listed above. If you have discovered an alternate way to fix the issue when one can't connect to WiFi, let us know in the comments section.
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