Perfect instrument de recuperare de date SD pentru Windows și Mac OS
recuperare Wondershare SD de date este un instrument profesional care recupereaza complet imagini video, imagini, audio, arhive și documente de la orice fel de carduri digitale securizate (SD). Acesta scanează fișierele pierdute de pe cardul SD oferindu-vă o șansă de a previzualiza fișierele pierdute și apoi să le recupereze. Ar fi alegerea perfecta de a restaura fișiere pierdute sub Windows și Mac OS.
![]() Documentul DOC / DOCX, XLS / XLSX, PPT / PPTX, PDF, CWK, HTML / HTM, INDD, EPS, etc. |
![]() VideoAVI, MOV, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, WMV, ASF, FLV, SWF, MPG, RM/RMVB, etc. |
![]() AudioAIF/AIFF, M4A, MP3, WAV, WMA, MID/MIDI, OGG, AAC, etc. |
![]() Message & EmailsPST, DBX, EMLX, etc. |
![]() ArchiveZIP, RAR, SIT, etc. |
![]() Secured Digital Card (SD Card) Samsung, Transcend, Sandisk, Kingston, PNY, Panasonic, Lexar, Verbatim, Sony, Fujifilm… |
![]() Micro SD Card/Mini SD CardSamsung, Transcend, Sandisk, Kingston, PNY, Panasonic, Lexar, Verbatim, Sony, Fujifilm… |
![]() SDSC Card Standard-Capacity SD Card |
![]() SDHC CardHigh-Capacity SD Card |
![]() SDXC CardeXtended-Capacity SD Card |
![]() SDIO CardSecure Digital Input Output Card |
How It Works:
1 Select file types you want to recover
2 Select your SD Card to Start Scanning
3 Preview and recover the lost files
WHAT SCENARIOS You Lost Your Data on SD Card
• Improper Handling
The way you handle SD cards is very vital. If you remove SD card unsafely from your device leads to great data loss. When you pull out your SD card from your camera you will lose your photos and videos. The files will be corrupted or erased.
• Accidental formatting
Although formatting your SD card could be necessary, you might lose data on your files. At times you could accidentally format your SD cards and you end up loosing all your important documents and emails.
• Virus infection
Once virus get into your SD card, it will spread across all your SD card and corrupts all your files. The files can also be erased and you need to look out for SD data recovery software to recover your precious files.
• Multi tasking
Using a single SD card over different devices such as phone, cameras and others can damage your files. Other devices can be corrupt and can spread across your files. You could be connecting your SD card to unsecure system that will damage your files.
• Unintentional Deletion
Human is to error and a times you can accidentally delete files on your SD card. Deletion could also be intentional and you later realise that you want to retain your precious files. In some cases your friend or child could accidentally delete all your files on your device.
How to avoid data loss on SD cards
• SD data recovery can be hectic when you have lost all your valuable data. It gets even worse when you have no idea on how to recover the missing files. To avoid such a scenario you need to know how to protect your SD cards to avoid data loss. Here are a few tips.
- Protect you SD card from damage.
Ensure that you do not expose your SD card to any form of damage. Physical damage severe since your SD card can be broken and you cannot access your files anymore.
- Do not expose to extreme temperatures
Extreme coldness or hotness can damage the configuration of your SD card thus loosing your files. Always ensure that you keep your SD card well. Do not spill water or any hot drink on it this could dearly cost you.
- Backup your data
Whenever you store data on your SD card remember to do a backup of those files. This will ease the work of looking for a data recovery tool or finally loosing important files. Always update a back up of yours at any given point.
- Install antivirus
They are many types of antivirus mushrooming in the market that you can use to protect your files from any malware. When you are on Internet avoid click links that unidentified links. Also do not insert your SD card on any gadget, virus could infect it and thus it will affect your SD card.
Knowledge Base for SD Card
carduri Secure Digital sunt dispozitive de stocare a datelor mobile care au câștigat popularitate și pot fi utilizate cu camere digitale, telefoane. Acest card non-volatilă oferă o capacitate de stocare de mare pentru dispozitive mobile. Sunt foarte utile atunci când doriți să backup de date, fișiere de transfer sau chiar și atunci când doriți să copiați fișiere de la un dispozitiv la altul. Ei vin în diferite calități și viteza de transfer în funcție de compania de producție. Capacitatea lor de stocare variază de la 1GB la chiar 64 GB.
Sfaturi despre cum să se ocupe de carduri SD
- scoate întotdeauna cardul SD în condiții de siguranță
- Nu scoateți cardul SD când acesta este transferul de fișiere
- Păstrați întotdeauna cardul SD bine
- Vand carduri SD de calitate
- Formatul și partiția card SD înainte de a utiliza