Redimensionarea unei imagini folosind HTML

Dimensiunea imaginii HTML este un fenomen care poate fi folosit pentru a modifica lățimea și înălțimea imaginii. Acest atribut al HTML permite utilizatorilor să limiteze , de asemenea , dimensiunea imaginii care a fost integrat în cadrul site - ului. Fiind un limbaj HTML de dezvoltare este ușor de executat și , prin urmare , problema nu este supusă o afacere mare pentru utilizatorii de la toate. De asemenea , trebuie remarcat faptul că utilizatorul trebuie să se îngropa adânc în subiect , dacă el nu este tech savvy. HTML deși un limbaj ușor , dar necesită un nivel de expert pentru executarea codului. Dimensiunea imaginii precum și atributele aferente pot fi modificate cu ajutorul CSS , care este încorporat cu HTML. Acest tutorial va invata utilizatorii cum să redimensiona o imagine precum și a seta limitele sale folosind HTML.

Part 1 What is HTML?

HTML which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language is a programming language that is used to develop websites. It is always used in combination with Java Script and CSS. It is also used to create interfaces for the mobile applications and the programs that required GUI. Developed by the World Wide Web it is one of the best and most used languages of the world. Initially the language was released in the year 1993 and since inception it has rapidly developed to be one of the best languages. The first version of the language was named as SGML and the latest version to which it has been extended XHTML. The resizing of the images means that the size of the image in terms of memory occupation is never changed. Instead it is the image actual size that is measured in pixels that is to be changed. The HTM L is the most popular language and therefore it is always the first choice of the users.

What is HTML

Part 2 Advantages of HTML

The advantages of the HTML are the ones that are difficult to be found elsewhere. It is also one of the best and most used programming languages. In this section the HTML and the related advantages will be explained in full.

Part 3 Resizing the image in HTML and the related tags

The Img Src is the tag that is to be manipulated when it comes to HTML image resizing. In this tag the Img is the short form of Image. The Src stands for the source. The source depicts that place from where the image is to be taken. It specifies the location on the website folder from where the image is picked and shown to the users. Though it is a one liner process however the user should remain cautious while applying the changes. Wrong changes could lead to the disturbance of the other components overall. The next part of the tutorial will deal with the process that is to be applied while doing the subjected task. The requirements that are to be fulfilled will also be discussed in great detail:


The process

The application of the process should be done as per the step that has been mentioned as follows:

1.The normal tag that is used to resize the image can be seen as follows. It is taken just as an example:

Computer Hope

As a result of the above the image that appears is as follows:

resize html image

2.In order to resize the image to the related size the user needs to change the width as well as the height. The code for this can be seen as follows:

Computer Hope

Once the resizing has been done the image that will appear is as follows:

resize image

The HTML is a language that is easy to understand. The user should therefore prefer it to resize the images. Along with the HTML the user can also learn Java Script as well as CSS to maximize the advantages. The language is known to get the results that are simply stunning. The overall view as well as the layout of the webpage is awesome. The HTML since its inception has left a mark on the developmental purposes and till now it remains this way. Image resizing is just a one part of the language. The fact of the matter is that the language can be used to do any work without issue.

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Acasă / Mac / PC / Redimensionarea unei imagini folosind HTML

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