Este într - adevăr un lucru durere de cap , atunci când uitați parola de conectare pentru computer, sistemul Windows 7, în special există date importante stocate pe acesta, care vă oprește reinstalarea sistemului. În acest moment, pentru a accesa computerul și de a lucra în mod normal cu ea, aveți nevoie de o parolă cracare Windows 7 , un instrument care vă permite să crach Windows 7 parola și introduceți cu succes calculatorul.
Înainte de cracare parola pentru Windows 7, încercați cele mai bune dvs. pentru a aminti parola din memorie. Pentru instantanee, ziua de naștere, mâncarea preferată, numele persoanei importante, numărul de telefon și altele asemenea. Nu-l dau repede. Acest lucru funcționează într-adevăr, uneori. Dacă toate acestea sunt neajutorat, puteți alege pentru a trece la următorul mod.
To crack the password for Windows 7, first you need to get Wondershare LiveBoot bootable CD/USB, which allows you to access your computer and crack Windows 7 administrator password easily. No matter you are using Windows 7, XP or Vista, this program can work well on it. Next, let's do it in steps.
Before the work, prepare a blank CD/DVD or a usb drive. Then install and run the LiveBoot on your computer, and you'll get the interface as follow.
Insert the disk or usb drive into the computer, and click on the burning button, you'll get a bootable CD/DVD or usb drive. It's just a one-click job. All you need to care about is choosing to burn with a usb drive if you don't have a burner installed on your computer, because burning with a usb drive doesn't require an extra burner from you.
Insert the Windows 7 password cracking disk or usb drive you've created into the computer, which locked you out of it. Start the computer and press F12 when the system begins to load, and you'll get the Boot Device Menu. Select the USB CD-ROM Drive and hit on Enter. Then you get the boot menu as follow. Choose "Boot from LiveBoot" and you can enter the locked system.
After entering the system, click on the "Password & Key Finder" on the interface of LiveBoot. Then hit on the "Admin Password Resetter". With only one click, you can reset the original Windows 7 administrator password as blank.
The last step is to take out of the disk or usb drive and restart your computer. You'll find that the computer doesn't ask you for any password, and you can login successfully. To set a new password, make sure that it's a safe password and you'll never forget it anymore.
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