Cum la spre Fix Error Ntoskrnl.exe

Ce-i Ntoskrnl.exe?

Ntoskrnl.exe este un constituent fundamental al Windows care localizează în C: WindowsSystem32 sau C: WinntSystem32. Așa cum se indică și numele, este fișierul kernel Windows NT , care conține nucleul ferestre, managerul de memorie, executivă, și planificator, și alte componente Windows. Lipsă Ntoskrnl.exe sau corupte va provoca eșecul de boot - up pentru Windows, și nu a putut rula sistemul Windows.

Ntoskrnl.exe lipsă sau corupte conțin erori

This scenario is familiar - your work is done and when you want to save it, a black or blue screen sudden appears. You have to restart the computer, but you got Ntoskrnl.exe error this time,like missing or corrupt .

ntoskrnl exe missing

Other similar Ntoskrnl.exe error messages include:

NTOSKRNL.EXE not found.

system32 toskrnl.exe missing or corrupt:

Please re-install a copy of the above file.

Causes - Why Ntoskrnl.exe Missing or Corrupt

1. Missing or corrupt ntoskrnl.exe file.

2. Corrupt boot.ini file.

3. Missing boot.ini file.

4. Corrupted hard disk drive

5. System corruption

Part 1 How to Fix Ntoskrnl.exe Missing and Corrupt Error

Now follow easy steps to fix Ntoskrnl.exe error.

1. Disconnect all removable devices and make sure your hard disk is properly connected and detected by the BIOS, restart and exclude the possibility of hard disk false usage.

2. On another computer, create a bootable CD, DVD or USB with Liveboot.

3. Insert the CD, DVD or USB, and reboot your computer.

3. Choose "Boot from LiveBoot" on the Boot Menu to enter the troubleshooting and fixing system.

4. Select "Windows Recovery" and click Boot File Recovery to fix Ntoskrnl.exe error, Ntoskrnl.exe compressed error and boot.ini error.

boot file recovery

5. When Boot File Recovery complete, restart your computer.

6. If Ntoskrnl.exe missing error appears again, also try Boot Sector Recovery and MBR Recovery, respectively.

7. Still not succeed? It's a difficult troubleshooting. Now restart your computer, and boot from LiveBoot, then go to Disk Management/Partition Genius to check whether the right partition is set to Active properly. The wrong Active partition would cause Ntoskrnl.exe missing error, too.

8. Now the Ntoskrnl.exe missing error would be fixed. Otherwise, it's a good idea to install a fresh Windows system, and you are highly recommended to wipe the partition clean before install Windows system.

9. Done. To get comprehensive technical support regarding to LiveBoot software, please visit

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Part 2Recover Lost Data Caused by Ntoskrnl.exe Error

Ntoskrnl.exe Error will result in data lost from you hard drive, with the wrong operations will cause hard drive formatted and inaccessible data.Under these circumstances,you will need a powerful data recovery software to retrieve your lost data.

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