Me pēhea te ki te Tapia kore e taea e Excel Whakatūwhera te Kōnae Hapa 'filename'.xlsx'

Ko tino Microsoft Excel te taputapu faufaa ranei e koe he takitahi e hiahia ki te whakahaere i o koutou utu i te whare ranei, i roto i te wāhi mahi. Haunga te whakarite me te rokiroki koutou raraunga, Ka taea e Excel te āwhina hamu koe ngaahi fakakaukau hou i tou raraunga e taea kia tino nui ki te whakapai ake i tō pūtea pakihi ranei. Ka taea hoki te tapaea te reira i to koutou raraunga i roto i ngā ngā i te ripakaute tawhito pai ki ngā tūtohi me ngā kauwhata ki te hāngai o koutou hiahia. Ko tētahi atu kaha o Excel ko e taea ai te reira ki a koutou te mahi ki ētahi atu i runga i te taua pukamahi mā kapua. Tirohia mēnā e kua OneDrive tāuta koutou te mau melo katoa rōpū, me te koe pai ki te haere koe.

Overview o te Kōnae Hapa 'filename'.xlsx'

Ko tētahi o te noa tino (ki te kore te nuinga noa) raruraru, me te tino irritating o Microsoft Excel ko ka e kore e taea e koe te whakatuwhera i tō kōnae Excel. E rave rahi te iwi kua fehangahangai tenei raruraru i mua e tika ana ki ngā take rerekē. Kia tango o te titiro i te take e ai kōnae Excel ki te kia uaua, me te hoki pehea ki te Tapia kōnae Excel kore e taea hapa te whakatuwheratia.

I te tahi taime, te take hoki tenei raruraru ko te mea e kore te mea hototahi ki te pūmanawa Microsoft Excel e kei te whakamahi koe i te toronga o te kōnae Excel. Te auraa ra, e taea te pānui i tō pūmanawa kōnae endin ki ".xls" ranei ".xlsx" anake. He whakatika tere ko ki te whakatika tika ā te ingoa o to koutou kōnae o e mutu te reira ki te toronga kōnae hototahi. e kia koe miharo i te auau angitu nui o te taua tikanga ohie, ano mawhiti reira te hinengaro o te iwi maha.

Ki te kore e te tikanga i runga ake te mahi, e kore ai e anake te raruraru i roto i te whakawhānui, me te kia hiahia koe ki te whakamahi i te tikanga atu kaha. Pinepine wā, ina e taea ki te whakatuwhera i tō kōnae Excel koe, te tikanga o te reira i e kua hāmate te kōnae. Ko te kupu, ki te Tapia kōnae Excel hapa e kore e taea te whakatuwheratia, e ti'a ia tatou ki te whakaora i te kōnae o tona kino ki te whakahokia i te reira i tona āhua kino. E kore te mea he mahi ngāwari tenei a kore ai te nuinga o te iwi mohio ki te whakatika i te reira. He otinga ohie mō tenei raruraru ko ki te whakamahi i te Tool Tapia Excel rite Stellar Phoenix Excel Repair, e taea e tōtika ora katoa o nga raraunga i koutou kōnae Excel kino.

Wāhanga 1: Ko te Tool Free Excel Kōnae Hapa Tapia Best

A, no te e puputuu e pā ana ki e Excel Tapia Tool ki te whakamahi koe, whakaaro ahau ki a koe te whiriwhiri Stellar Phoenix Excel Tapia . Tino tu tenei Tool Tapia Excel i roto i te mākete no te mea he maha ngā āhuatanga, taea reira ki te whakaoti momo katoa o ngā raruraru e pā ana ki a Excel kōnae pirau. Tenei te tikanga e reira he kore hiahia ki te kitea i ētahi atu pūmanawa, ki te e anga koe raruraru rerekē - Stellar Phoenix Excel Tapia whakarato koe ki te otinga katoa-i roto i-kotahi.

Microsoft Excel Repair Tool
  • Ora ahua katoa o te raraunga penapena i roto i pakaru hira kōnae pērā i tepu, ngā tūtohi, tātai, kōrero, whakaahua, me ētahi atu
  • Whakaora katoa o koutou kōnae Excel kino ki to ratou tu taketake.
  • Arokite i te kōnae Excel hanga ko i roto i te wā-tūturu, kite i te nui o te kōnae kua ora ake rite kei te hanga ana i te reira.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea te whakamahi i tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel i runga i rua matapihi me tüäpapa Mac i roto i te tikanga ki te hanga kino kaka kōnae .
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea e tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel hanga kōnae tūkinotia o putanga katoa i 2000 ki te 2016 e ngā 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, me ētahi atu

Wāhanga 2: Part 2: Hapa Me pēhea te ki te Tapia kōnae Excel kore e taea te whakatuwheratia

Tenei ko te aratohu ohie ki te whakaatu ki a koutou pehea Stellar Tapia Phoenix Excel taea hanga kōnae Excel kore e taea te hapa whakatuwheratia.

Hipanga 1 Rapu te kōnae i te puku rohe e hiahia ana koe ki te whakatika i te whakamahi i te pātene "Tīpakohia Kōnae".

fix excel file cannot be opened error step 1

Hipanga 2 Tīpakohia te kōnae papaka katoa ki te kia whakaritea, ka pēhi i te pātene "Karapa" ki te timata whakatika ratou.

fix excel file cannot be opened error step 2

Hipanga 3 Excel Tapia taea ki a koe te arokite rite te pai te kōnae pakaru.

fix excel file cannot be opened error step 3

Hipanga 4 Pāwhiritia te pātene "whakaora" ki te tīmata te whakatikatika i tō kōnae. Ka taea e koe te whiriwhiri ki te whakaora i to koutou kōnae hou i roto i te kōpaki taua ki te kōnae pakaru i muri i whakaingoa anō i te kōnae hou ranei ka taea e koe te whiriwhiri i te ūnga tino rerekē.

fix excel file cannot be opened error step 4

hapa Ka rite ki a koutou e taea e te kite i te aratohu i runga, te whakamahi i Stellar Phoenix Excel Tapia ki Tapia kōnae Excel kore e taea te whakatuwheratia he super ohie, me te tino whai hua. Hei faaoti, whakaaro ahau ki a koutou kia rite ki te kanohi hapa Excel rite heipü ratou e whakaatu ki runga i te wa ki te wa. Ko tenei he aha te tikiake i te Tool Tapia Excel pērā i Stellar Phoenix Excel Tapia taea e tino maitai ki te whakaora rota o te wā koutou i roto i te heke mai.

Whakaora Kōnae Office

Tapia Kōnae Excel +
  1. Tapia Excel Hapa ohorere
  2. Whakatika MS Office Excel
  3. Tapia Hapa Excel Tūmahi
  4. Tapia Hōputu Excel
  5. Pūmanawa Whakaora Excel
  6. Whakaora Tūtohi Excel
  7. Whakaora Tūemi Excel
  8. Whakaora pirau Excel
  9. Kāore e taea te Tapia Excel Whakatūwhera
  10. Whakaora Pukamahi Raraunga
  11. Hapa Raparongoā Excel
  12. Whakatika Hapa Excel
  13. Whakaora Hapa Excel
  14. Hanga Kōnae pirau Excel
  15. Whakatika Tātai Excel
Tapia Kupu Kōnae +
  1. Whakaora Word 2013
  2. Hanga Kōnae Kupu Broken
  3. Tapia Doc me te kōnae Doc
  4. Tapia MS Kōnae Kupu
  5. Raparongoā Tuhinga tūkinotia
  6. Tool Whakaora Kupu
  7. Whakaora Kuputuhi Kupu
  8. Whakaora Ngā Pane ko Hiku
  9. Hanga Kōnae Crash Kupu
  10. Hanga Kōnae pirau docx
  11. Whakaora Kōnae Office
  12. Whakatika Whakamunatia Kōnae Kupu
  13. Whakatika Kōnae Kupu
  14. Hapa Whakawaehere Tapia
  15. Whakaora Kupu Pikitia
  16. Tapia Kupu Associations
Hapa Whakatika Kōnae Excel +
  1. Whakatika e kore e taea te Excel Pānuitia
  2. Whakatika Hapa Excel 1004
  3. Whakatika Hapa Excel 13
  4. Hapa Whakatika Ahanoa
  5. Whakatika Excel 2007
  6. Whakatika Hapa Rahunga Excel
  7. Whakatika Hapa Excel Papatopenga
  8. Whakatika Hapa Excel Pate
  9. Whakatika Kōnae paari Excel
  10. Whakatika e kore e taea te Excel Whakatūwhera
  11. Whakatika Excel Tuhinga
Hapa Whakatika Kōnae Excel +
  1. Hanga Hapa Kupu
  2. Whakatika Kupu Ihirangi Kōnae
  3. Whakatika Kōnae Kupu rahua ki Tiaki
  4. Whakatika Word 2007
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