Me pēhea te ki te Whakatika kua tūpono Excel he Problem ka hiahia ki te kati Hapa

I teie mahana MS Excel rite tono ripanga whakamahia te pera ngā e kua riro te reira i te wāhanga obligatory mō te whakaū i tepu, me ngā rārangi o ngā raraunga ahakoa uaua, faufaa hoki tātainga tere. Ai e ngā tātai hanga-i roto i, me mahi pūtaiao / taurangi ki te rāwekeweke hua i raraunga tomo i roto i te wāhi rerekē i roto i huaina Excel 'ngā pūtau', he-e-wāhanga ripeka o rarangi me tīwae. Kotahi huringa kotahi hea i roto i te pūtau kotahi ai ripanga katoa ki te huri i roto i te karahiwi o te kau. taea ngāwari te ako rāwekeweke pānga reira tohu ai hoatu he painga anō i roto i te mahi me te mahi pūtaiao.

Overview o hapa kōnae Excel

Microsoft Excel-rite toe wae o MS Office he tino pakari, me te whakamahia rawa whānui puta noa i te ao ki te noho pai o te whakamahi, me te whakawhirinaki o te whakawhirinakitanga, Heoi, he e pängia ana ki tetahi wā kino kōpeka hoki reira. He maha ngā take ka taea e kia kia tūkinotia he kōnae Excel kino ranei. pono ka e hua i roto i te kaiwhakamahi faaereraa e o te raraunga rawa nui motu ke i te wa, me te utu mahi. Na reira me waiho tetahi mōhio o take ārahi ki Excel kōnae e totohu kia kia kia whakamōkitohia ai tūponotanga o ngā kōnae Excel me te ngaronga raraunga. E whakarārangitia he ruarua take tino noa i raro:

fix Excel file error

Ko nga mea katoa kia te take whakaatu MS Excel he karere hapa tohu he ngoikore ki te uru tuwhera ranei / lau kōnae Excel. He maha ngā momo o ngā karere hapa Excel i o e "kore he kōnae Microsoft Excel i roto i te hōputu mōhiotia" kotahi tino noa karere hapa te maha tūpono. te tikanga mutu te hōtaka, tono ki te whakatika kua tūpono Excel te raruraru.

Otinga 1: Me pēhea te ki te Tapia Kōnae Excel ki 'Open me Tapia'

A, no te kore Microsoft ki te mohio ki te kōnae Excel rānei i XLS hōputu xlsx ranei, kei te noa'i te kino raraunga. A, no te ngana te pukamahi taua te ki kia whakamahia, Excel tamata aunoa ki te ora i te kōnae ki te awhina o Recovery Kōnae. I roto i te take, kore whakaora kōnae ki te whakatuwhera me te ora i te kōnae, e taea te hanga ngana ā-ki te whakahoki kōnae noa na roto i te huri i ngā tautuhinga hōtaka. kia tamata ka whakamahi i kōwhiringa 'Open me Tapia' pukamahi ki hoki mai e whai ake.

Hipanga 1 Mai te tahua kōnae, pāwhiritia i runga i te kōwhiringa Open.

Hipanga 2 Kimihia te kōnae kino pakaru ranei i roto i te pouaka kōrero.

Hipanga 3 Tīpakohia Open / hanga kotahi pakaru kitea kōnae Excel te. Ka puta tēnei kōwhiringa i roto i te tahua taka-iho. Kaua e wareware ki te tīpako kino hira kōnae tuatahi.

Hipanga 4 kōwhiringa Tapia ka hanga te kōnae pakaru, ka ora raraunga rite nui taea. Na pāwhiri i runga i raraunga Tango ki tango tātai.

I roto i te meka, taea reira kia maha wheako rerekē te wahi ai te tahi mau taime e taea te whakaora kōnae raraunga i tikanga ohie. MS Excel ano taea roto āheinga hanga-i roto i ki te ngana te whakaora. Hei tauira i roto i te rorohiko ki te matapihi 7 me MS Office 2003 me te hototahi MS Office tāuta hoki putanga hōu kia haere mai tenei ahua o te hapa ake, ina ngana kaiwhakamahi ki te whakatuwhera i te pukamahi hanga i roto i te Office 2007 putanga Office ranei 2010 putanga. "E kore te mea Kōnae i roto i te hōputu mōhiotia" Ka taea te whakaritea hapa rite i raro:

  1. pāwhiri-Matau tetahi ".xlsx" kōnae. Na "Open Ki te"> "Kōwhiri hōtaka Taunoa".

    fix Excel has encountered a problem error step 1

  2. I "Open Ki" kōrero, pāwhiri "Tirotiro".

    fix Excel has encountered a problem error step 2

  3. Whakatere ki "C: \ Ngā Kōnae Papatono \ Microsoft Office \ Office12" ki, tīpako i te kōnae "Moc.exe". (Moc tikanga Microsoft Open XML Converter)
  4. Pāwhiritia "OK".

    fix Excel has encountered a problem error step 3

"E kore te mea kōnae Excel i roto i te hōputu mōhiotia", kia puta ano hoki, ki te ko te kōnae i etahi atu hōtaka e kore ko e hototahi ki MS Excel. Ki te kore enei kōwhiringa katoa ki te whakahoki mai i te kōnae Excel tino ranei ara wāhanga na te otinga taea anake ko ki te whakamahi i ngā pūmanawa rōpū tuatoru rite Excel Tapia taputapu.

Otinga 2: Me pēhea te ki te Whakatika Excel kua pā he raru

Oranga taputapu hanga Phoenix Excel ko pai o maha hira taputapu hanga pūmanawa whakaora kōnae ranei e wātea ana i roto i te tikanga e:

Microsoft Excel Repair Tool
  • Ora ahua katoa o te raraunga penapena i roto i pakaru hira kōnae pērā i tepu, ngā tūtohi, tātai, kōrero, whakaahua, me ētahi atu
  • Whakaora katoa o koutou kōnae Excel kino ki to ratou tu taketake.
  • Arokite i te kōnae Excel hanga ko i roto i te wā-tūturu, kite i te nui o te kōnae kua ora ake rite kei te hanga ana i te reira.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea te whakamahi i tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel i runga i rua matapihi me tüäpapa Mac i roto i te tikanga ki te hanga kino kaka kōnae.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea e tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel hanga kōnae tūkinotia o putanga katoa i 2000 ki te 2016 e ngā 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, me ētahi atu

Me pēhea te ki te whakatika Excel kua tūpono i te raru

Hipanga 1 Tīpakohia te kōwhiringa 'Tapia Kōnae Excel' i te tahua matua o tenei Excel taputapu hanga .Kōwhiria kōwhiringa 'Tāpiri Kōnae' ki te tāpiri i te kōnae ki te pūmanawa. Hei rapu i te kōnae kua kino whiriwhiri rānei o 'Tīpakohia Kōpaki' 'Tīpakohia Kōnae' ranei.

fix Excel has encountered a problem step 1

Hipanga 2 matawai i te kōnae kino tīpakohia whakaatu kōnae i roto i te wāhanga hua. Pāwhiritia te pātene "Matawai" ki te mahi i muri mai.

fix Excel has encountered a problem step 2

Hipanga 3 tīpakohia kino kōnae Excel e hanga ana pai, ka taea e koe te arokite i te kōnae Excel hanga ko i mua whakaora.

fix Excel has encountered a problem step 3

Hipanga 4 Chooes he wāhi pai ki te whakaora i to koutou kōnae Excel ka hanga ko.

fix Excel has encountered a problem step 4


Hei whakatika kua tūpono Excel te momo raruraru o te raruraru e taea kia rite 'kore he kōnae Microsoft Excel i te hōputu mōhiotia', kia whakaaro tetahi o rongoā taea e i roto i tetahi take e kore e whai ki te ora me te hanga kōnae Excel ki raraunga faufaa. Engari, ko te huarahi pai, ko te ki te whakapono tino i roto i tera taua i te taputapu hanga Excel e he kaha nui ki te whakarite nga mea katoa o faaoraraa e no te mea e kore e taea e te mate o te raraunga nui kia utu. Tūtohu i konei ko te Excel o Staller whakatika pūmanawa i te mea pai i roto i te tikanga katoa.

Whakaora Kōnae Office

Tapia Kōnae Excel +
  1. Tapia Excel Hapa ohorere
  2. Whakatika MS Office Excel
  3. Tapia Hapa Excel Tūmahi
  4. Tapia Hōputu Excel
  5. Pūmanawa Whakaora Excel
  6. Whakaora Tūtohi Excel
  7. Whakaora Tūemi Excel
  8. Whakaora pirau Excel
  9. Kāore e taea te Tapia Excel Whakatūwhera
  10. Whakaora Pukamahi Raraunga
  11. Hapa Raparongoā Excel
  12. Whakatika Hapa Excel
  13. Whakaora Hapa Excel
  14. Hanga Kōnae pirau Excel
  15. Whakatika Tātai Excel
Tapia Kupu Kōnae +
  1. Whakaora Word 2013
  2. Hanga Kōnae Kupu Broken
  3. Tapia Doc me te kōnae Doc
  4. Tapia MS Kōnae Kupu
  5. Raparongoā Tuhinga tūkinotia
  6. Tool Whakaora Kupu
  7. Whakaora Kuputuhi Kupu
  8. Whakaora Ngā Pane ko Hiku
  9. Hanga Kōnae Crash Kupu
  10. Hanga Kōnae pirau docx
  11. Whakaora Kōnae Office
  12. Whakatika Whakamunatia Kōnae Kupu
  13. Whakatika Kōnae Kupu
  14. Hapa Whakawaehere Tapia
  15. Whakaora Kupu Pikitia
  16. Tapia Kupu Associations
Hapa Whakatika Kōnae Excel +
  1. Whakatika e kore e taea te Excel Pānuitia
  2. Whakatika Hapa Excel 1004
  3. Whakatika Hapa Excel 13
  4. Hapa Whakatika Ahanoa
  5. Whakatika Excel 2007
  6. Whakatika Hapa Rahunga Excel
  7. Whakatika Hapa Excel Papatopenga
  8. Whakatika Hapa Excel Pate
  9. Whakatika Kōnae paari Excel
  10. Whakatika e kore e taea te Excel Whakatūwhera
  11. Whakatika Excel Tuhinga
Hapa Whakatika Kōnae Excel +
  1. Hanga Hapa Kupu
  2. Whakatika Kupu Ihirangi Kōnae
  3. Whakatika Kōnae Kupu rahua ki Tiaki
  4. Whakatika Word 2007
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