Ciamar a Cruthaich Bootable CD

Airson loisgidh an Liveboot boot CD , feumaidh tu a bhith CD / DVD sgrìobhadair no burner. Chan eil e a 'moladh airson agad fhèin a chleachdadh air bathar-bog a losgadh, airson a' mhòr-chuid dhiubh air an dealbhadh airson iomadh-gnìomhan agus nach eil cho furasta a bhith ag obrachadh. Brùth "Allt CD-nis" a 'phutan air an LiveBoot Wizard eadar-aghaidh gus tòiseachadh air an losgadh phròiseas. Tha am pròiseas air fad a 'gabhail a-mhàin 3 ceumannan.

Nòta: chan eil agaibh ach a 'feuchainn ri briogadh / fosgailte / Dèan unzip / earrainn / stàladh ".ISO" file.

Simple Step gu Cruthaich Bootable CD

Faigh Wondershare Liveboot 2012 an seo

Ceum 1: Briog a losgadh

create bootable cd step 1

Note: The losgadh bathar-bog a thèid a lorg air an ìomhaigh faidhl (ISO faidhl) agus agad a dhearbhadh CD / DVD-Sgrìobhadair gu fèin-obrachail. Ma tha a 'losgadh bathar-bog nach urrainn a lorg an ìomhaigh faidhl (ISO faidhl) no CD / DVD-Sgrìobhadair, inns dhaibh a làimh.

Ceum 2: Briog air "Sgrìobh" phutan gus tòiseachadh

create bootable cd

An sin a 'losgadh am pròiseas a' tòiseachadh.

create bootable cd step 1

Bidh e a 'gabhail beagan mhionaidean a losgadh / cruthaich bootable CD. Nuair a bhios e deiseil, gheibh thu am fiosrachadh a leanas.

create bootable cd step 2

Ceum 3: Briog air "OK" gus crìoch a chur

Briog air "OK" gus crìoch a chur air an losgadh. Tha trì pasgannan ainmeachadh Boot, EFI, TOBRAICHEAN agus aon BOOTMGR faidhl ann an ìobairt CD.

create bootable cd step 3

Now agad bootable LiveBoot CD air a chruthachadh, agus is urrainn dhut a chleachdadh airson croiche suas do chailleadh air a 'choimpiutair.

Know tuilleadh mu Wondershare LiveBoot Boot CD

Fix Computer

Fix Dll File Error+
  1. Fix RunDLL Error
  2. Edit DLL Files
  3. Fix Missing dll files
  4. Loading dll error
  5. Nvcpl.dll Loading error
  6. Newdev.dll loading error
  7. Fix Mpr.dll
  8. Dll Initialization Failed
  9. D3dx9.24.dll error
  10. Fix Kernel32.dll
  11. Msvbvm60.dll Error
  12. Fix missing Hal.dll
  13. Hal.dll repair
  14. Mfc80u.dll Error
  15. Mscorwks.dll Error
  16. Awt.dll error
  17. Shlwapi.dll error
  18. Fix asl.dll error
  19. Crypt32.dll error
  20. Faultrep.dll error
  21. Register.dll error
Fix Boot issue+
  1. Disk boot failure
  2. Boot ini missing
  3. Computer wont boot
  4. Fix black screen on boot
  5. Create bootable liveboot USB
  6. Vista boot disk
  7. Create bootable liveboot CD
  8. Fix blue screen on boot
  9. Protect Boot Sector from Viruses
  10. Vista reboot issue
  11. XP wont boot
  12. Vista wont boot
Fix Bootmgr issue+
  1. Fix bootmgr error
  2. Fix bootmgr issue
  3. Bootmgr missing error
  4. Bootmgr image corrupt
  5. Bootmgr compressed error
  6. Bootmgr missing
Computer System Error+
  1. Misiing operating system
  2. Fix system not found
  3. Grub loading error
  4. Fix runtime error
  5. Operating system loading error
  6. Fix XP crahses
  7. Retrieve lost files after system restore
  8. Restoring corrupt files
  9. Change file system
  10. Vista freezes
  11. Computer freezes after startup
  12. Ntfs.sys missing/corrupted
  13. Ntldr error
  14. Ntldr missing
  15. Ntldr compressed
  16. Fix MBR error
  17. Ntdetect failed error
  18. Ntoskrnl.exe Missing
  19. Fix MBR missing
Computer System Error+
  1. Clone USB
  2. Migrate OS to SSD
  3. Clone OS to Hard Drive
  4. Recover data after disk wipe
  5. Speed up computer
  6. Boost computer speed
  7. Registry repair
  8. Registry cleaner
  9. Backup OS
Computer System Error+
  1. Fix blue screen
  2. Fix black screen at startup
  3. Fix vista black screen
  4. Ndissys blue screen error
  5. Fltmgrsys blue screen error
  6. Fix Vista blue screen
  7. Fix XP blue screen
  8. Fix Tcpipsps blue screen error
  9. Fix Atapisys blue screen Error
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