30 Pretty/Beautiful Wallpapers for iPhone

When it comes to decorating your iPhone's screen with a beautiful iPhone wallpaper, most of the times the images that you get are not according to the screen size. This results in stretched or pixelated images, and you end up having a messed up wallpaper on your device.

In order to get the correct images for your iPhone, it is important to understand the right resolution of the pictures that should fit the screen size. The table given below would give you the exact image size needed for the iPhone model you have, thus helping you in picking the best one for your device:

iPhone Model   Image Size (in Pixels)

Also, below is a collection of a few pretty iPhone wallpapers for you. You can download beautiful iPhone wallpaper of your choice that best fits your device's screen. Every beautiful iPhone wallpaper present in the list has its three variants as per the iPhone models given in the above table.

  1. Father-Son Art A beautiful painting showing a father escorting his son to the school within the mountains.

wallpaper for iPhone 01

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/547961479641575917/

  1. Exotic Lights Representing the galactic lights from somewhere beyond the Earth.

wallpaper for iPhone 02

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/538954280383417339/

  1. Hill Lady An impressive man-made painting showing a girl in beautiful mountains.

wallpaper for iPhone 03

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/295689531761956735/

  1. Heavenly Mountains A painting showing beautiful mountains and the natural life somewhere from the Heaven.

wallpaper for iPhone 04

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/493566440385624748/

  1. Enormous Wheel Download this image for your iPhone showing a scary giant wheel.

wallpaper for iPhone 05

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415738609330766034/

  1. Galactic Sky A peaceful mountain proudly standing and staring at a sub-section of our galaxy, The Milky Way.

wallpaper for iPhone 06

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/516225176013252308/

  1. After Rain A beautiful image of the atmosphere and ambiance of a nature-enriched location right after the rain.

wallpaper for iPhone 07

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/27092035236517427/

  1. Colorful Petals Set this wallpaper on your iPhone to give it a fresh and colorful look.

wallpaper for iPhone 08

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/504051383273879954/

  1. Winter Leaves Beautiful leaves reflecting the colors mostly visible in winter season.

wallpaper for iPhone 09

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/504051383274191951/

  1. Oceanic For the sea-fans, the image shows an area somewhere in the middle of an ocean, away from man-made objects.

wallpaper for iPhone 10

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/392868767470778212/

  1. High Wave Love surfing? Use this image to get a tempting sea-wave that will encourage you to grab your board and rush to surf.

wallpaper for iPhone 11

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/142074563221943387/

  1. Hope Many things are unseen yet remain present. Get this wallpaper for your iPhone to give it a beautiful and motivating look.

wallpaper for iPhone 12

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/308567011945332895/

  1. Along with the Autumn A collection of beautiful Autumn leaves only found in a specific season of the year. Grab this image for your iPhone for a refreshing ambiance.

wallpaper for iPhone 13

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/209347082655773516/

  1. Bubbles Artificial bubbles to make your iPhone's screen look more colorful and active.

wallpaper for iPhone 14

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/475903885597096331/

  1. The Three Gs Oil painting for your iPhone's screen showing innocent giraffes. Something worth downloading for wildlife lovers.

wallpaper for iPhone 15

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/19773685839668342/

  1. Mild Breeze Get the close-up image of the grass happily waving to the mild breeze.

wallpaper for iPhone 16

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/304485624787072796/

  1. Live Leaf Give your iPhone a botanical ambiance with this image of a beautiful leaf.

wallpaper for iPhone 17

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/317292736225095006/

  1. Welcome Spring That atmosphere and soothing air of the Spring season with the leaves glowing and blushing is something this wallpaper for your iPhone has to show.

wallpaper for iPhone 18

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/417779302912736733/

  1. The Autumn Welcome the Autumn season with this wallpaper on your iPhone's screen.

wallpaper for iPhone 19

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/417779302912736732/

  1. Flowers' Cocktail Get variety of flowers in a single image as your iPhone wallpaper.

wallpaper for iPhone 20

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/317292736225094360/

  1. Romantics Get this wallpaper for your iPhone screen to show you are in love.

wallpaper for iPhone 21

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/119838040061612950/

  1. Live Life An image of a fresh morning with a beautiful quote. Get it right on your iPhone's screen.

wallpaper for iPhone 22

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/27092035235467295/

  1. Pebbles Grab the image of colorful pebbles for your iPhone's screen.

wallpaper for iPhone 23

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/462815299185895142/

  1. Rose Garden Get a bunch of fresh roses right on your iPhone's screen.

wallpaper for iPhone 24

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/215258057161294876/

  1. Colored Fumes Be colorful and make others around you happy with this beautiful wallpaper for your iPhone.

wallpaper for iPhone 25

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415316396863846291/

  1. Morning Peace Get the ambiance of fresh morning environment everyday in the form of this iPhone wallpaper.

wallpaper for iPhone 26

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/354095589432121135/

  1. Morning Quote Keep yourself motivated right from the beginning of every day with this beautiful wallpaper on your iPhone.

wallpaper for iPhone 27

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/96053404531166400/

  1. Golden Leaves Give your iPhone's screen a glittery look with these golden leaves.

wallpaper for iPhone 28

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/361625045052876355/

  1. Nightlife Close-Up Get a close-up of the disco light on your iPhone to make its screen look brighter and live at nights.

wallpaper for iPhone 29

Download for: iPhone 6/6S Plus, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 5/5S

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4855512076546880/

  1. Priceless Gems Your iPhone's screen would look shinier and exotic with these gems glittering all over it.

image30_iPhone6, 6S Plus

wallpaper for iPhone 30

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/447545281694787418/


Even though you can download pretty iPhone wallpaper of your choice from the above list, there are several other options for you. You can get any high resolution image you like, use an efficient iPhone image resizing app, resize the image to best fit your iPhone's screen, and then set the image as a wallpaper for your iPhone.


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