Me pēhea te ki te Tapia Kōnae Excel Kua poroa te Hapa mahi

Microsoft Excel ko tetahi o te raraunga tino rongonui kōmaka pūmanawa i roto i te ao. Kei te whakamahia te reira e te iwi mo te whakaaro o te te whawhe o ngā raraunga me te hoki mahi matatini tātaritanga raraunga pūtaiao. Ngā mihi ki te taputapu mīharo me ngā āhuatanga e tuku i te reira, e taea te hanga iwi payrolls, ngā pūrongo pūtea, me te hokohoko ki te humarie hope. Ko te take he aha te ngā reira whakamahia i roto i te tono tari me te pakihi tenei. Ahakoa ki nga painga katoa kua reira ki te whakahere, e whai ona whakaraeraetanga MS Excel. Ka taea e whakaatu te reira i ake karere hapa rite kua mutu kōnae Excel mahi. Na, e kore te mea he mea pai te ki te whakarongo ki e, rawa, ki te whai koe i raraunga nui ora i runga i taua kōnae Excel.

Wāhanga 1: Kua poroa te Kōnae Excel Hapa Mahi

Whakaaturia mahi Kua mutu te hapa Nō rite kōnae Excel te i runga i te mata rite 'Kāore e taea te kitea kaupapa whare pukapuka ranei' . Ka taea te meinga te reira e tika ana ki te take e whai ake nei.

He tohutoro e pā ana ki a Microsoft SOAP Momo Library 3.0 Ko reira, te tikanga i roto i te kaupapa VBA i roto i te putanga XP o MS Office. Ko te putanga 2003 o MS Office, Heoi, e kore e whakamahi i te Microsoft SOAP Momo Library 3.0 me i wahi o taua utilizes te Microsoft Office SOAP Momo Library 3.0. Na, ki te whakatuwhera koe i te kōnae Excel me tīmata te VBA rapu mo te Microsoft SOAP Momo Library 3.0 me kore ki te kitea i te reira na hanga tenei karere hapa tangata e.

Ko tētahi atu take he aha te nuinga o tenei hapa meinga ko te mea o te pirau o te kōnae Excel e e ngana koe ki te whakatuwhera. Ka taea e ngā kōnae Excel kia kino rawa ngāwari. Ko te whai ake Ko etahi o nga take he aha e taea tupu.

Ki te kino koutou kōnae Excel te reira e whai koe ki te kia hanga ana i te reira. Hei hanga kino kōnae Excel , ka whai koe ki te hanga whakamahi o Excel pūmanawa kōnae hanga .

Wāhanga 2: Te Tool Excel Tapia Kōnae Best

Hiahiatia Excel pūmanawa kōnae hanga te ki hanga kino kōnae Excel kore te e whakatuwhera me te meinga kua mutu ngā karere hapa rite kōnae Excel mahi. He he he ope katoa o taua taputapu Excel hanga e wātea ana i runga i te ipurangi. Heoi, he ahei o ora rā i kino kōnae Excel kore tetahi o ratou. Tata ki te katoa o ratou e whai hua ana, me te kore e taea e hanga hāmate kōnae Excel. Ko te taputapu hanga Excel pai e taea e kitea e koe te ipurangi he Stellar taputapu Tapia Phoenix Excel .

Microsoft Excel Repair Tool
  • Ora ahua katoa o te raraunga penapena i roto i pakaru hira kōnae pērā i tepu, ngā tūtohi, tātai, kōrero, whakaahua, me ētahi atu
  • Whakaora katoa o koutou kōnae Excel kino ki to ratou tu taketake.
  • Arokite i te kōnae Excel hanga ko i roto i te wā-tūturu, kite i te nui o te kōnae kua ora ake rite kei te hanga ana i te reira.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea te whakamahi i tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel i runga i rua matapihi me tüäpapa Mac i roto i te tikanga ki te hanga kino kaka kōnae.
  • ahua katoa o MS hapa tari pirau (mo XLS me ngā kōnae xlsx anake) e taea te whawha ki tenei taputapu.
  • Ka taea e tēnei taputapu kōnae hanga Excel hanga kōnae tūkinotia o putanga katoa i 2000 ki te 2016 e ngā 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, me ētahi atu

Part 3: Kōnae Tapi MS Excel ki Tool Tapia Excel

Hangaia te whai ake akoranga taahiraa-i te-taahiraa e ki te whakarato koe ki te whakamārama taipitopito o pehea koutou e taea e te whakamahi i tenei Excel taputapu hanga pai ki te hanga kino kōnae Excel .

Hipanga 1 Kōnae Searching: Me koe ki te mahi i te mea ki te rapu hoki kōnae kino Excel i runga i tou PC. Ka taea e te mahi koe i tenei mā te whakamahi i tetahi tetahi o enei kōwhiringa e toru, 'Rapu Kōnae', 'Tīpakohia Kōpaki' 'Tīpakohia Kōnae' ranei.

repair excel stop working error step 1

Hipanga 2 Kōnae Matawai: Matawai te kōnae e kua tīpakohia e koe i muri i te whakamahi i te kōwhiringa rapu. Ka taea e koe te faatupu i tenei e patu i te pātene karapa.

repair excel stop working error step 2

Hipanga 3 Kōnae Arokitenga: Ka taea e te mahi e koe i tenei mā te pāwhiri i runga i te kōnae karapa e taea te kitea i roto i te rakau whānau ki tou mahue ki te arokite i te kōnae karapa

repair excel stop working error step 3

Hipanga 4 Kōnae Tiaki: ka whakaora i te kōnae Excel kino. Ka taea e te mahi koe i tenei mā te whakamahi i rānei 'Wāhi Taunoa' ranei 'Tīpakohia New Kōpaki' kōwhiringa.

repair excel stop working error step 4


Ko te whai ake ko te tahi mau tohutohu e e haere ana ki te haere mai i roto i te pepa ki a koutou, ki te hiahia koe ki te whakatika i te kōnae Excel kua mutu mahi hapa karere.

Ki te hiahia koe ki te whakarite kia kore e kia kino te kōnae Excel i heke mai, ka kia titiro koe ki te pupuri i roto i te hinengaro i te tohutohu e whai ake nei.

Tapia Tuhinga Office

Tapia Kupu Kōnae +
  1. Tapia kōnae Word tūkinotia
  2. Tapia Kupu Tuhinga
  3. Hanga kōnae pirau Word
  4. ara Best ki Tapia kōnae Word
  5. Hanga Hapa MS Word
  6. Hanga Hapa Kōnae Kupu
  7. Hanga Kōnae Kupu Hapa whakangaromanga
Tapia Kōnae Excel +
  1. Tapia Kōnae Excel
  2. Tapia kōnae Excel tūkinotia
  3. Tapia kōnae hāmate Excel
  4. Tapia Excel Hapa ngaro
  5. Hapa Excel Tapia
  6. e kore e taea e Tapia Excel Whakatūwhera
  7. Tapia Excel whakangaromanga Hapa
  8. Tapia Excel Hapa pānui
  9. Hanga Excel mutu Mahi
  10. Tapia Excel Pukamahi
  11. Hapa Tapia Program
  12. Tapia Excel 2017
  13. Hanga uaua Excel
  14. Hapa Kōnae Excel Tapia
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  16. Tapia Hapa Excel UI
  17. kōnae abcxls Tapia
  18. Tapia kaupapa kōnae Excel
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