How to Copy Windows 7 from One Hard Drive to Another

Need help copying windows 7 from old hard drive to new one!

I have an old ide hard drive and it has windows 7 installed on it i need to move it to my new SATA hard drive. I want to move windows 7 to my new hard drive, and I've heard that using a hard drive Windows 7 copying tool seems very easy. Is there any one to recommend? Thanks in advance.

Yes, there are many such tools describing that it can copy or backup your whole disk from one to another, but you need to be careful that some of them only help to back up your normal data, not system files, as system files can not be simply moved. Here is my recommendation: Wondershare WinSuite 2012. This software can help you copy your whole disk or partiion from one disk to another, including the intact Windows. After the Windows 7 copying, you still can boot your computer with the new hard drive.

After purchasing the software, you'll get a download link from Wondershare. Download and install it on your computer, and then follow the steps below to do what you need.

Steps of copying Windows 7 from one disk to another

Step 1. Launch the Windows 7 copying software

Run the software on your computer, and go to the "Disk Management" menu. Then you'll get the interface below. If you want to copy the whole disk, choose "Clone Entire Disk", if you only want to copy the Windows 7 partition, choose "Clone One Partition", and you'll be guide to the second step.

copy windows 7

Step 2. Choose the source disk (partition)

Here take the whole disk as an example. Choose the disk where your Windows 7 is placed as the source disk. Click "next" to continue.

windows 7 copy

Step 3. Select the destination disk (partition)

Next, select the destination disk where you're going to copy Windows 7 to. By the way, the space of the destination disk must be larger than the source one, or your Windows 7 copying will fail.

copy windows 7 file

Step 4. Start to copy Windows 7

Before the Windows 7 copying begins, make sure that you don't have important data saved on the destination disk. The Windows copying will overwrite all data on it. The whole Windows 7 copying process takes you a few seconds. After that, you'll get a "Successfully cloned" message. That's to say, you've done the Windows 7 copying work successfully.

how to copy windows 7

If you plan to only clone a partition, you can choose the "Clone A Partition" before the first step above, then the left steps as similar as the steps of cloning an entire disk. It's really a painless job. Try it by yourself now!

Know more about Wondershare WinSuite 2012

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