How to Hide Partition in Windows 10

Hidden partition means just that it is a partition in a disk on your computer that is not visible to the user. It is not a defect, but an intentional act. This is why there are in-built applications on most computers including those running on Windows and Mac. You may ask why would anyone would want to execute a hide partition process, but there are several good reasons why some people would want to do so:

Part I – How to Hide Partition in Windows (Using Disk Management App)

For computers running on Windows, Microsoft has conveniently provide users with a disk management utility tool that is in-built within the operating system. The "Disk Management" app helps users hide partitions or make the reappear easily. To use this app to hide a partition, you will need to do the following:

Step 1. Launch the "Disk Management" tool

To start the hide partition process, launch the "Disk Management" utility function. There are two ways for you to access it:

Step 2. Change drive letter and path

Now that you have access to the "Disk Management" application, you will be able to see the information about the drives and partitions you have on your computer. Right-click the partition that you want to hide and click "Change Drive Letter and Paths"¦" from the context menu.

hide partition in Windows step 3

A pop-up window will appear. Click on the "Remove" button. Make sure you click on the "Yes" button to confirm that you want to hide the partition.

hide partition in Windows step 4

Part II – How to Hide Partition in Windows 10 (Using Command Prompt)

If you are using Windows 10, it is more efficient to use the "Command Prompt" feature to hide a specific partition on your computer. It is so easy that you will only need only a couple of clicks:

Step 1. Launch "Command Prompt"

In the "Start" menu, type "cmd" and right-click on the "Command Prompt" icon. Click on "Run as Administrator" from the context menu.

hide partition in Windows 10 step 1

Step 2. Run the command

The "Command Prompt" window will pop up. Type the following to hide the partition that you want:

"mountvol [drive letter] /D"

Note: Replace [drive letter] with the name of the drive or partition that you want to hide. /D is the command for dismounting the drive or partition that you want.

hide partition in Windows 10 step 2


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