Proifeiseanta Iomallach is lann Dàta Ath-stèidheachaidh Seirbheis

Drivesavers Data Recovery

Robh sibh fairtlich ath-bheothachadh dàta le thugainn?

Chan beachdachadh air cùisean teicnigeach le chruaidh agad!

DriveSavers toirt as luaithe, agus as cinntiche a-mhàin barrantaichte tèarainte seirbheis ann an gnìomhachas.

"Cha 'gabhail dàta unrecoverable; faodaidh sinn ga shàbhaladh!"

DriveSavers Tha cliù eadar-nàiseanta mar as earbsa agus spèis a 'chompanaidh ann an gnìomhachas, agus tha e air a stèidheachadh air ar dealas airson a thèarainte a thoirt dàta ath-bheothachadh, agus as luaithe ùine leth luchd-cleachdaidh seirbheis.

Le faisg air 30 bliadhna de eòlas proifeiseanta dàta ath-bheothachadh, tha sinn air succesfully làimhseachadh ceudan de mhìltean de call dàta an t-suidheachadh.

Tro sònraichte aonta le DriveSavers, DriveSavers air a cheadachadh agus a 'moladh a' cluich dàta ath-bheothachadh airson Wondershare luchd-cleachdaidh aig a lùghdachadh agus reataichean fìor shònraichte buannachdan . DriveSavers a 'toirt a h-uile innealan ath-bheothachadh le proifeiseanta iomallach agus obair-lann fhuasglaidhean le ìre lasachaidh, coimpiutairean , Laptops , Raid / NAS / SAN , falbh Meadhanan , chamara digiteach Cards , Teip , Smartphones / iPads / tablaidean .

Call DriveSavers a-nis agus a 'toirt iomradh air a' chòd a leanas: DS32789. Gheibh sibh a-mhàin lasachaidh bho dhuinn!

Ionnsaich tuilleadh an seo

Saor an-asgaidh Luingeis Saor an-asgaidh · Luachadh

Chan eil Dàta, No Charge!

1. lorg COTHROM DO CÒD air an liosta GU H-ÌOSAL Ma eil air an liostadh, gheibh sibh e le bhith a 'dol a .

2. DIAL COTHROM DO CÒD agus aig an guth luath, dial an DriveSavers eadar-nàiseanta a-cìse an-asgaidh uile 888.440.2404. No, faodaidh tu fòn skype cho math: drivesaversinc.

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Tha sinn a 'tuigsinn an luach dàta agad, cho cudromach' sa luath ùine agus

a 'cumail dàta agad tèarainte nuair a bha e aig ar goireas.

best hard drive data recovery software
  • Fhaighinn air ais air chall no a sguabadh às na faidhlichean, dealbhan, èisteachd, ceòl, puist-d sam bith inneal-stòraidh gu h-èifeachdach, gu sàbhailte is gu tur.
  • Toirt taic do ath-bheothachadh dàta bho ath-chuairtich bin, chruaidh, cuimhne a 'chairt-flash spionnadh, camara didseatach agus camcorders.
  • A 'cur taic ri faighinn seachad air an dàta airson a sguabadh às gu h-obann, cruth, chruaidh coirbeachd, bhìoras ionnsaigh, siostam fo tubaist an diofar shuidheachaidhean.
  • Preview mus ath-bheothachadh a 'leigeil leat a dhèanamh thaghadh ath-bheothachadh.
  • Taic t-Suirbhidh Òrdanais: Windows 10/8/7 / XP / Vista, Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 agus 10.8, 10.9, 10,10 Yosemite, 10,10, 10,11 El Capitan, Sierra 10,12) air iMac, macbook, Mac Pro etc.
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Hard Drive Recovery

Recover Data from different Hard Drive Types+
  1. HDD recovery
  2. SSD recovery
  3. NTFS recovery
  4. Unformat NTFS hard drive
  5. SATA recovery
  6. Raid recovery
  7. IDE recovery
  8. Fat recovery
  9. exFat recovery
  10. Raw hard drive recovery
  11. Virtual disk recovery
Repair your hard disk+
  1. Hard disk repair
  2. Hard disk mirroring
  3. Wipe hard drive
  4. Erase hard drive
  5. Fix hard drive
  6. Fix bad sectors
  7. Recover data from crashed hard drive
  8. Unformat hard drive
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  10. Local hard drive recovery service
  11. Disk Repair Software
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  3. WD External hard drive file recovery
  4. Freecom external hard drive recovery
  5. Buffalo external hard drive recovery
  6. G-Technology external hard rrive recovery
  7. Fantom external hard drive data recovery
  8. Recover files from crashed external hard drive
Recover data from hard drive/disks+
  1. Linux hard drive recovery
  2. Laptop data recovery
  3. Partition recovery
  4. Seagate Expansion data recovery
  5. WD My Passport recovery
  6. Lacie dard disk data recovery
  7. WD Element data recovery
  8. Dell hard drive data recovery
  9. Acomdata hard drive data recovery
  10. Fujitsu hard drive data recovery
  11. Iomega hard disks recovery
  12. Toshiba Canvio data recovery
  13. Micronet data recovery
Recover data from different devices+
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  2. Buslink data recovery
  3. Crucial M4 data recovery
  4. Calvary hard drive data recovery
  5. Simpletech hard drive data recovery
  6. Kingston SSD recovery
  7. Apricorn Aegis data recovery
  8. HP hard disk data recovery
  9. Maxtor hard drive data recovery
  10. Hitachi hard drive data recovery
  11. Toshiba hard drive data recovery
  12. Panasonic hard drive data recovery
Save your hard disk+
  1. Clone hard drive
  2. Replace hard drive
  3. Partition external hard drive
  4. Hard drive recovery tools
  5. Top hard drive recovery software
  6. Perform SSD Recovery at ease
  7. Hard drive password recovery
  8. Migrate OS to new hard drive
  9. Hard drive diagnostics
  10. Hard disk partition
Recover data from Mac OS+
  1. Recovery HD
  2. Mac Hard Drive Recovery
  3. Dead or Erased Mac Hard Drive Recovery
  4. Macbook Pro Hard Drive Recovery
  5. iMac Hard Drive Recovery
  6. Mac External Hard Drive Recovery
  7. Recover formatted Mac Hard Drive
  8. Mac Disk Data Recovery
Problems with hard drive+
  1. Hard drive failure
  2. Hard drive crash
  3. Damaged hard drive
  4. Formatted hard drive
  5. Recover data from bad sectors
  6. Uninitialized hard drive
  7. Hard drive won`t boot
  8. External hard drive not detected
  9. Hard drive dead
  10. Invalid hard drive
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Bathar co-cheangailte ri ceistean? Labhair gu dìreach ri ar Sgioba Taic>
Dachaigh / Coimpiutaireachd Ath-bheothachaidh / Proifeiseanta Iomallach is lann Dàta Ath-stèidheachaidh Seirbheis

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